Sunday, January 29, 2017

Valentine's Day

The kids brought a note home, this week, about Valentine's Day. Here is the letter in case you didn't get it!
 Dear Parents,
      On February 14th, we will be having a Valentine’s Day celebration. We will exchange cards and have treats. The kids voted for ice cream sundaes. I have included a list of items at the bottom. If you are able, please mark what you can bring and return to school. I am requesting that all items be brought to school by the 9th, so that I can get anything that still might be needed, over the break. We will decorate a card bag here and pass out the valentines on the 14th but you may send them earlier if you choose. I have also attached a name list for cards. Thanks, in advance, for helping with treats! Yes, I can bring:

 ____ ½ gallon vanilla ice cream
____ chocolate syrup
 ____ caramel syrup
 ____ sprinkles
 ____ whipped cream
____ gummi bears
 ____ maraschino cherries


Friday, January 20, 2017


We have been learning about synonyms and here is a fun video you can watch at home!

After watching the video, work on a synonym book. Write at least six words and then write a synonym for that word. Bring it into school to share!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The kids are all in need of new crayons. Most are missing some important colors and they are in pretty rough shape. Nothing makes a kiddo happier than a box of fresh, new crayons!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Ice Pop Challenge

     On Friday, we completed our PLTW unit on matter with "The Ice Pop Challenge". The kids were to use what they've learned to design and build something to keep their ice pop from melting. After working with a small group to finalize an idea, they began building. The pops were then placed in the design and put under the heat lamp for 30 minutes. We then took them out and measured how much of their pop had melted. We came to the conclusion that surrounding the pop with packing peanuts ( or nuts as second graders call them) worked pretty well. Here are some fun pictures of the process.

Working Hard on their designs!

 Final Projects:

 Taking the heat test!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome Back

     Although it is hard to come back after Christmas Break, I think the New Year is exciting and full of new opportunities. It's a time to move forward and set goals. Helping my students set goals is a powerful way of motivating their learning. When students set goals for themselves, they work hard to achieve them. This provides a great conversation topic at home. Talk to your kiddo about what they hope to get better at. Maybe it's a spelling goal, math fact fluency, writing stories. I would love to hear from you about any special goals you or your child might have.